Chilumi Indonesia AU Zine is an SFW, for-profit fanzine dedicated to the romantic relationship of Tartaglia "Childe" and Lumine from Genshin Impact under the theme of Indonesian culture.LEFTOVER SALES!
19 Feb - 25 Feb 2024

Stay tuned to our socials!



✦ What is a zine? ✦
A zine or fanzine is a term used for a non-professional and non-official fanmade publications.
✦ What is the theme of this zine? ✦
The zine will focus on the relationship of Tartaglia “Childe” and Lumine in the theme of Indonesian culture alternate universe (AU).
✦ What are the examples of Indonesian culture that this zine is going to present? ✦
We've compiled the zine subthemes on this link!

✦ What is the rating for this zine? ✦
The rating of this zine is PG-13.
✦ Will the zine be physical or digital? ✦
The zine will be a physical and digital zine!


✦ If I applied for zine moderator, can I apply to be a contributor as well? ✦
You can apply for both as a zine moderator and a contributor. It is worth noting that if you are chosen as a zine moderator, it is not necessary to apply as a contributor as you will have the right to contribute your work.
✦ Can I apply for multiple contributor roles? (e.g. applying for Page Artist and Merch Artist) ✦
You can apply for any role you want, but you can only be accepted in only one role.
✦ How will the contributors be compensated? ✦
Contributors will at least receive a free high-resolution PDF of the zine, with our aim being to provide all contributors with a full bundle. Contributors would be able to buy items at production cost in the events we cannot cover full bundles for them. Should there be a change to the financial model, it will be announced accordingly.


✦ Will the zine be in Bahasa Indonesia or in English? ✦
We can confirm that Bahasa Indonesia will be the language of the zine. We may deliver the zine in both Bahasa Indonesia and English depending on International Interest Check Results.
Stay tuned for further announcements!
✦ Will you ship internationally? ✦
We have launched an International Interest Check! We will make decisions based on the Interest Check results to see if international shipping is possible. Please wait for further announcements!

If you have any question, don't hesitate to reach us out on our socials!


We limit applications for both zine moderator and contributor to Indonesians. Accordingly, the guidelines will be written in Bahasa Indonesia.

Dokumen panduan Chilumi Indonesia AU Zine dapat dibaca di link ini.

Panduan pendaftaran umum

  • Panduan Pendaftaran Umum berlaku untuk pendaftar posisi Moderator Zine dan Kontributor Zine.

  • Semua pendaftar Moderator Zine harus setidaknya berusia 18 tahun pada saat pendaftaran.

  • Semua pendaftar Kontributor Zine harus setidaknya berusia 17 tahun pada saat pendaftaran.

  • Memiliki media sosial (apa pun) merupakan ketentuan wajib bagi setiap pendaftar Moderator Zine dan Kontributor Zine.

  • Komunikasi utama tim Moderator Zine dan Kontributor Zine adalah melalui Discord. Diharapkan memiliki akun Discord pada saat pendaftaran.


Interest Check (ID)
Interest Check (EN)
Moderator Apps
Contributor Apps
Apps Results
Pitches Confirmed
1st Check In
2nd Check In
3rd Check In
Final Pieces Due
Shipping estimation

1 - 22 Jul
9 Jul - 3 Aug
4 - 15 Jul
6 Aug - 3 Sep
17 - 19 Sep
11 - 12 Oct
5 - 6 Nov
6 - 7 Dec
14 - 15 Jan
4 - 5 Feb
17 Jun - 17 Aug
Aug - Sep
Oct - Nov

Schedule listed above are tentative and may change with or without prior notice.

Mod team

Head Mod
Finance Mod


Co-Head Mod
Formatting Mod


Communications Mod (Artist)


Communications Mod (Writer)


production & shipping mod


Graphic Mod



✦ Mythology AU ✦

Examples of this AU are gods & goddesses, lores in wayang, and folklores (cerita rakyat) from the many cultures of Indonesia. Traditional dances which convey myths & folklores are included.

✦ Tempo Doeloe AU ✦

Tempo Doeloe AU reimagines the bygone days of Indonesia's past in a nostalgic way. Take a page out of our history book and turn it into a fantasy love story between our favorite couple!

✦ Wedding & Traditional Attires ✦

Our favorite couple will wear some of the beautiful traditional attires in Indonesia!

✦ Indonesian Tradition AU ✦

There are many kinds of tradition to celebrate in Indonesia! Celebrate Indonesian Independence Day with exciting competitions
(17 Agustus-an), birthdays with tumpeng rice, and Imlek!

✦ School & University AU ✦

How would it be like if Childe and Lumine were to study in an Indonesian school or university? What do you think their dynamics would be?

✦ Modern AU ✦

Where will our couple's first encounter be? Will they meet in a cozy coffee shop, a band concert, a meeting with a client in SCBD, or even during a crowded train ride?

Stay connected with us!
Follow our social media. Don't miss it!